19 Νοεμβρίου 2024

Άρθρο του Νότη Μαριά στο αγγλικό site της γνωστής ρωσικής εφημερίδας PRAVDA για την εκλογή Τραμπ και τις επιπτώσεις της στις αμερικανορωσικές σχέσεις

Donald Trump, unlike his predecessor, is not obsessed with Russophobia and chooses the interests not of the arms industry, but of those who invested in Russia and suffered from Western sanctions against it because of Ukraine. This opinion was expressed by RIA Novosti former member of the European Parliament and the Parliament of Greece, professor of EU institutions at the University of Crete Notis Marias.

«The new US president does not seem to be obsessed with Russophobia, which prevailed in the circles of his predecessor. According to statements made by members of the Trump camp immediately after his election victory, the United States will have to approach the Ukrainian issue with realism, as it is now expressed on the ground. Moreover, during his election campaign, Trump criticized Biden for the intensive military and economic involvement of the United States in the Ukrainian issue. Unlike the Cold War policy pursued by Biden and Harris, Trump does not choose the interests of the arms industry, but, on the contrary, the interests of those who invested in Russia and suffered from Western sanctions against it because of Ukraine,» Marias said.

However, you should not have any illusions: despite the fact that much will change in the actions of the United States in the international arena, Trump will support the «hard core of American interests,» the expert believes.

According to him, at the political level, the struggle in the US presidential election was nothing more than a clash between the forces of American «ethnocentric capitalism», expressed by Trump, and the forces supporting globalization and «casino capitalism», expressed by Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and the elite of the US Democratic Party.

«Trump was supported by the American oil and gas giants and the part of the American industry that suffered from the opening of markets as a result of globalization. Along with them, Trump was supported by all sorts of American billionaires who benefited from tax cuts in Trump’s first term and expect the same policy in his second term,» Marias said.

According to the expert, Trump’s election was the result of a strong anti-systemic trend in American society, his reaction against the wake culture program, as well as the economic crisis and inflation that hit the economy.

«With their vote, the Americans wanted to punish the established authorities, primarily the Democratic Party, which, guided by Biden’s «America is coming back» policy, supported the military intervention of the United States and NATO countries in Ukraine. Donald Trump appealed to an audience of poorly educated white Americans, that is, to representatives of the lower and middle classes who oppose economic globalization and all that it entails: competition with Asian enterprises, the influx of immigrants and so on,» said Notis Marias.

He noted that the American voters who voted for Trump belong to those social strata that are not connected either with the large agricultural and industrial interests of the United States, or with interests in the service sector, the financial sector, the military-industrial complex, arms manufacturing companies and giants of the «green» transition.

«They voted for him precisely because he promised a more protectionist trade policy, a new mercantilism and a kind of economic nationalism to counter the economic rise of China and the BRICS countries,» Marias said.

«This is the first main feature of Trump’s foreign policy, which is expected to strengthen US rivalry with China, impose new tariffs on Chinese imports to the United States and decisively reverse American military, diplomatic and economic interests in the Indo-Pacific region, striving to close various fronts of American participation in the Middle East and Ukraine,» the professor said.

According to him, the second feature is related to Russian-American relations, which he spoke about, and the third is with Europe.

«Trump’s shift towards the revival of the «nation state» as a key player on the world stage and the subsequent revision of any ideas about multilateral international agreements and transnational economic blocs are expected to have an impact on the US attitude towards the EU. In other words, the point of view of the Trump team is important, which looks at the EU as 27 independent states, and not as a single whole, and at the same time it is expected that it will initiate the introduction of new tariffs against European goods,» Marias said.

In his opinion, due to the fact that Trump prefers the «national state», it is expected that he will not support the model of «European integration».

«This means a possible rupture of relations between the United States and the EU and the promotion of direct relations between the United States and EU member states without the mediation of Brussels,» he believes.

«In this context, it is expected that Trump will put more pressure on NATO member countries, forcing them to take on even more of the burden of supporting their defense, which, in fact, will further strengthen the EU’s transition to a «war economy», which means higher taxes, cuts in social policy spending, austerity, violent fiscal adjustment in the eurozone, new memoranda of understanding and a sharp reduction in economic and military support for Ukraine from Brussels,» said Notis Marias.

The US presidential election was held on November 5th. The Democratic Party is represented by Vice President Kamala Harris, and the Republican Party is represented by former President Donald Trump.

Donald Trump, despite the expectations of a long and intense struggle, was declared the winner of the US presidential election at about two o’clock in the morning Washington time (10.00 Moscow time): according to a number of leading news resources predicting the results, he won in all key states. After that, Trump spoke to supporters in Florida and announced his victory.

According to Fox News and the Associated Press, Trump is winning and gaining 277 electoral votes with the necessary 270. The winner was also named by the American TV channels CNN, NBC, ABC and CBS, the Hill, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal and New York Times newspapers, as well as the authoritative election forecasting service Decision Desk HQ.

Russia believes that arms supplies to Ukraine interfere with the settlement, directly involve NATO countries in the conflict and are a «game with fire.» Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov noted that any cargo that contains weapons for Ukraine will become a legitimate target for Russia. According to him, the United States and NATO are directly involved in the conflict, including not only by supplying weapons, but also by training personnel in the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, and other countries. The Kremlin stated that pumping Ukraine with weapons from the West does not contribute to negotiations and will have a negative effect.

Russia has also repeatedly stressed that the country will cope with the sanctions pressure that the West began to exert on Russia several years ago and continues to strengthen. Moscow noted that the West does not have the courage to admit the failure of sanctions against the Russian Federation. There have been opinions in Western countries themselves that anti-Russian sanctions are ineffective. Russian President Vladimir Putin has previously stated that the policy of containing and weakening Russia is a long-term strategy of the West, and sanctions have dealt a serious blow to the entire global economy. According to him, the main goal of the West is to worsen the lives of millions of people.


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